Chat Recording and Forwarding
AceSpy records BOTH SIDES of chat conversations and instant messages. Both sides of conversations are recorded as actual text logs and are easily viewed from within the interface. Records Yahoo! Instant Messenger, ICQ Pro/Lite, MSN Messenger, Paltalk, AOL and AIM.
The instant they finish their conversation, AceSpy can also forward a copy of it to your email address. Forwards to any email or RXS Stealth Email for remote log storage. With Stealth Email you simply log into a website to view results from any location.Finding out whom they are chatting with and what they are saying in chats is now more private than ever before.
Email Recording and Forwarding
AceSpy Spy Software provides you a way to secretly see their emails as they appeared in Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, America Online, Netscape Mail, ThunderBird Mail, IncrediMail, Eudora and most other email clients. As soon as an email to or from your child or spouse accessed, AceSpy captures the ENTIRE message sent or received. All messages are easily viewed within AceSpy's interface.
And now, users of AceSpy can also choose to have all recorded emails INSTANTLY forwarded to them. This feature is triggered the very instant an email is captured. It forwards you the email of your child or spouse so that you can make sure they behave online. Forwards to any SMTP email or Stealth Email for remote log storage.
Web Site Recording and Blocking
Do you suspect that your spouse is visiting web sites they shouldn't be? Is your child researching something dangerous? The only way to know for sure is to record web sites they visit. AceSpy records all web addresses (URLs) with date/time visited. Works in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape and Opera browsers.
Along with searchable web logs, AceSpy also has the power to block unwanted web sites from being visited. Simply create a list of unwanted web site URLs and/or a list of unwanted keywords. When a URL is accessed, or when a keyword is encountered on a web page, it is forcibly closed. You can also opt for an Instant Email or SMS Alert.
Intelligent Email and SMS Alerting
AceSpy also has an advanced and intelligent "watch list" system. You create a list of keywords or "target" words. If a target word is typed, you get an instant email and/or SMS alert with information about what happened. If you choose to have email alerts sent you can also see an instant screenshot of the activity as it happened!
Imagine yourself away from home when you get an SMS on your mobile phone. It alerts you that your spouse just typed a watched keyword into the computer. You will know *instantly*. Most SMS alerts are delivered in less than ten seconds. You can also get an email or SMS alert for virtually any type of filtering that AceSpy performs.
Log Delivery via Email
AceSpy can automatically email reports you select to your SMTP email address. You can include some or all report options, which allow you to send only the activity you want to your email address. Most ISP addresses are SMTP-based, but "Free" addresses such as Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail are incompatible.
Many large ISPs block external emailing so that you can only use your ISP email address for emailing. This causes most spy software to not send logs. But with AceSpy you can easily get around this restriction no matter what ISP you use. AceSpy allows you to use a custom SMTP port to ensure that your reports are sent. This option is very easy to configure and complete instructions are included.
Automatic Screenshot Recording
AceSpy is also just like a hidden surveillance camera pointed directly at your PC screen. It records away anything done; no matter if the PC is online OR offline! AceSpy takes scores of snapshots every minute and stores them secretly. You determine how frequently AceSpy records - as often as once per second. That means you also get VISUAL recordings of chat conversations, instant messages, emails typed and read, web sites visited, programs ran, keystrokes typed and everything else they do. Screenshots can be printed out easily and settings can be adjusted for higher or lower image quality.
Install AceSpy and forget about maintenance. You never need to worry about the disk space occupied OR the older snapshots. AceSpy can delete the older snapshots after your specified number of days or when it occupies more than a specified amount of disk space.
Visual Movie Recorder
AceSpy not only records snapshots like a surveillance camera, but also allows you to create an actual movie from some or all screenshots captured. You choose what to put into the video and what format to save into. AceSpy does the rest by creating the file and saving it to the desired location on your computer.
This unique feature allows parents and spouses to actually watch computer activity just like a movie! This file can be viewed with any standard Windows AVI viewer, such as Windows Media Player. This allows you to SEE EXACTLY what your children, spouse or employees are doing visually, just as it happened.
Application and Document Recording
What programs does your child run or install onto your PC? Are they opening the door to harmful advertising spyware? Make sure they aren't causing potential ham to the PC by keeping an eye on what executable files they access. AceSpy records a full list of applications and windows launched or opened.
You can also record documents opened such as Microsoft Office documents, pictures, HTML files and more. Both features in this section capture the FULL path, file and/or window name, username and date/time accessed. Is your spouse writing letters to someone in Microsoft Word? Did they try to hide it? Now you can see the truth.
Innovative Stealth Tactics
Upon downloading, you can choose to install in Testing/Admin mode OR the optional Extreme Stealth Mode, which does a variety of things to hide the software from other people and programs. While in Stealth Mode, it is completely hidden in the Start menu and Add/Remove Programs. It also doesn't show icons or other items on your PC. AceSpy Spy Software is 100% invisible in the Windows Task Manager, unlike MOST spy programs, which DO show up as a process with a suspicious name.
When it's time for you to change settings or view results on your PC while in stealth mode, simply open the hidden interface by pressing a secret key combination, which will bring up a password box. Type your password and you're in. It's that simple. Once the interface is on the screen, you can easily view logs or change settings. Stealth mode is optional and isn't required to run AceSpy. You can choose to have AceSpy act as a normal program for easier use. AceSpy is still password-protected, even when not in stealth mode. This is perfect for monitoring children or employees.
Parental Controls and Scheduling
Along with watching what they type, you can also block web sites or applications you don't want them to access. Block entire web sites by entering any domain name such as You can also enter keywords that when encountered *within* a web page, it closes the browser.
If you want to monitor or block activity during specific time periods of the day, you can activate the AceSpy Scheduler. Let's say you want to monitor your son's activities from 6pm-8pm nightly. This can be easily achieved using AceSpy. Simply select the appropriate times and his activities will be monitored at those times only.
Keystroke and Password Recording
Just what exactly does your child or spouse type on the computer? Keystrokes are perhaps one of the most important aspects of monitoring. What or WHOM they search for online and much more can be learned from what they type. AceSpy records every keystroke typed along with the Window name in which it was typed.
AceSpy records your child's usernames and passwords typed into ANY webmail, gaming or other types of online accounts. You will be able to see what page they logged in on, along with all keystrokes typed within that page. The optional text filter adjusts any "backspaced" or "edited" characters to make reading key logs a breeze.
WebCam and Microphone Recording
Web cameras and microphones haven't normally been used as surveillance tools. But it's now possible to do this very thing with AceSpy. Imagine being able to aim your webcam and microphone at the child you are monitoring. Were they doing something OFF the computer that they shouldn't have been doing?
AceSpy combines these innovative new features with others to bring you the most complete surveillance package on the market. This feature allows you to not only know what happens ON the computer, but OFF of it as well. We invite you to compare our features and price to our competitors. They can't be beat.
Overrides Popular Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware
Certain elements of *all* monitoring software are sometimes mislabeled malicious by various spyware and virus detectors or anti-spyware software. AceSpy has an option that can override popular anti-spyware programs that only *claim* to reveal our type of legitimate software. Once this option is enabled, AceSpy will block popular anti-spyware and anti-virus applications from operating. This allows YOU to effectively monitor your PC without being revealed by these types of applications.
Monitors All or Some Windows Users
Many people ask us whether or not our software can monitor ALL Windows users. The answer is YES. By default, AceSpy monitors all Windows user accounts upon installation. This is true even if YOUR Windows account doesn't have admin privileges! Its never been easier to monitor ALL users of your PC.
You can also maintain a group of users whose activities you don't want to monitor. Let's say you need to monitor your child but not your spouse. AceSpy can recognize this with the Windows User Login IDs. If the user ID exists in the user filter, then their activities are not monitored.
Extensive Documentation and Support
You can rest assured that you will receive a PREMIUM PRODUCT with step-by-step instructions and free upgrades for life. In the rare case of a problem, we will work with you until you are up and running, or you will get your money back without hassle. After you order you will receive an email with COMPLETE step-by-step instructions on installing and using AceSpy. Should you have questions, we are here to help. Our team of professionals will answer you FAST.
AceSpy has provided thousands of users with a VERY EFFECTIVE way to monitor their PC's activity while they are away. AceSpy is THE EASY WAY to monitor Windows and Internet activity of your spouse, children, employees or anyone else who uses your computer.